Driven by a strong curiosity with raindrops and a tape of oldie music since childhood, his essence has prepared him for the avid pursuit of sound and music.
Shin is a graduate of Boston’s North Bennet Street School, where he achieved a certificate of piano technology. As a Registered Piano Technician (RPT), he is an active member of the Piano Technicians Guild. Besides attending several seminars and conventions in the U.S.A. and Germany, Shin has also collaborated with various music festivals in America, Europe and Asia. Always looking to broaden his experience in the industry, he is now working happily with international non-profit music organizations, musicians and private clients on their treasured pianos.
畢業於美國波士頓North Bennet Street School 鋼琴科技系,主修純耳調音、維修與調整。隸屬美國鋼琴技師公會(Piano Technicians Guild, PTG)國際關係委員組和波士頓分會,擁有PTG鋼琴技師證照 (Registered Piano Technician, RPT)並擔任協會主考官。之後參與美德技術營,合作對象也包含美、歐、亞洲音樂節、國際非營利音樂組織、音樂家與私人客戶的可愛鋼琴。熱愛生態人文及旅遊,喜歡藉著去海外服務,了解不同國家的人事物。